Friday, November 6, 2015

Composition Scavenger Hunt.

P3T10_Composition_2015 from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

So, out of the 20 composition techniques the "Birds  eye view" is the most important out of them all in my opinion. The "Birds I View" is the most important composition Technique in my opinion because you can get a view of places on Earth if you ever look up the images of the land on Earth. You can see what's on Earth in "Birds I view" mode. Like once my dad showed me a birds eye view on an App of the land on Kauai. He showed me the birds I View of my house which is in one of the neighboorhoods in Wailua homesteads.

Out of the 20 composition techniques some were easy but some weren't that easy. But out of them all, the most difficult composition technique is Rule of Thirds Scenery and Subject because it is hard to divide both of them into thirds. It is especially hard to divide them equally into thirds if there is a lot going on in the picture. I can use this more often by looking at three things happening in an image or putting three images into one. By using this Composition Technique I can learn it more and it won't be so hard for me anymore. But in my opinion, Rule of Thirds Scenery is slightly harder for me because you have to show what is happening from far away.

During our Scavenger Hunt, I was in a team called "P3T10" with two others named "Josiah" and "Treysen." All three of us actually filmed, spoke and did the action in the video at different times. However, most scenes were pictures of parts of the Kapa'a Middle School buildings but Treysen was filmed in one of them. And when I found out that we had to say the Composition Techniques 11-20 in our own words, I didn't speak at all but I was mainly the camera boy. And when we were done filming, we imported our footage in Josiah's computer. There were some problems just getting our own footage onto Josiah's computer which upset all three of us but it turned out fine when Mr. Sanderl helped us out.

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