Monday, November 30, 2015
Scratch Game Design
I've actually never created my own video game in SCRATCH before. But despite that I was doing pretty good for my first time in SCRATCH, did have some trouble. And even though I had a really difficult bug to fix I still had a good game of chase. However, I made it too easy by just making it so you only need to earn points by using the arrow keys. But my game does have two sprites and a background which is good, and the glitch in my game is explained in my third paragraph. In my "Platformer" game, since I knew how to do some parts in my video game, like using the arrow keys to make my character move it was a little easier at first. But I was having a hard time making the platforms because I kept accidently making the whole screen black, by using the bucket tool when coloring my platforms. After that finally stopped happening, I felt better and at least I was able to make two levels of my "Platformer" game! But I still need to fix some parts of my game, like getting the timer to count down and not up.
In my game of chase, you have to control the crab which is supposed to get away from the dinosaur. To earn points, you must click the arrow keys. I set a goal so if you reach 20 points, you win. But if the dinosaur gets the crab, the dinosaur says "GOT YOU!!!" and earns 20 points. Then you lose the game. A good tip is to hold the arrow keys until you see that you are at a corner. That way, it won't be as easy for the dinosaur to get the crab. Anyways, hope you enjoy or enjoyed playing my chase game! In my Platformer Game, the goal is to get the dragon to the orange square at first. Once you get the dragon to the orange square, the dragon has to get the light blue square. Warning, there is limited time for each level, but there is enough time to get to each square because you get 60 seconds for each level! Anyways, hope you have or had fun playing my "Platformer" game!
Okay, like I mentioned in paragraph one, I did have a bug in my game that I couldn't fix. The bug I couldn't fix was getting the game to end, after the crab reaches 20 points. I was so upset, I even got reminders from my parents to calm down. I emailed Mr. Sanderl about the bug I couldn't fix, and he told me to try use another set of code. It again didn't work, even my parents couldn't fix the bug! So my mom emailed Mr. Sanderl that the bug couldn't get fixed. And my best code was getting the dinosaur to move at a slower speed and earning points for getting the crab. The glitch in my Platformer game is that it takes a few times of the dinosaur touching the orange square, just for the slopes background to change yellow, the orange square also doesn't disappear.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Invention Commercial
P3T10_Invention from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
My team's main goals for this assignment was to have good quality in our video in iMovie. When we were making our video we were suppose to cut out the parts of me saying action. And no offense to my other team mates but they didn't care about cutting out the parts of me saying action. But I on the other hand was really nervous that people wouldn't like our video if those parts weren't cut out. So I went up to my teacher Mr. Sanderl and told him about the parts of me saying action. He told my team that it is important to remove the parts of whoever the camera man is saying "action." I bet if those parts of me saying "action" didn't get cut off the other people in our class would have gave our video low scores. But at least all three of me and my teammates has something to do and my team did a nice job on our clips. And at least we added music and a funny sound effect when Treysen fell down after lifting up the 3 pound weight.
If I were to pick one time of when my team was working together, I'd pick the time when we were looking for a funny sound effect of Treysen falling down. It really was a hard choice to pick the funny sound effect because my favorite sound effect that represents someone failing wasn't avalible, which kinda upset me. When we were looking for each sound effect we were telling each other "Hey listen to this one!" and we also smiled and even laughed a little. After a while we finally found one sound effect to actually use. We also added an effect of the word "ouch" appearing. But I forget if there was an exclamation mark or not but it was still funny enough.
In our post production editing, I can't really remember what some people did but I remember Treysen and Josiah letting me choose the effects from our video. Treysen cut out the bad parts in our video and Josiah chose the music. The reason why I chose the effects was because Treysen and Josiah wanted to do other jobs so I got to pick the sound effects! Treysen wanted to cut out the parts that were bad in our video because he knew that people wouldn't like some parts except the parts of me saying action for some reason and a few scenes of Josiah quickly appearing. But at least we ended with a good video when it was time to watch our Invention Commercial in class.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Composition Scavenger Hunt.
P3T10_Composition_2015 from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
So, out of the 20 composition techniques the "Birds eye view" is the most important out of them all in my opinion. The "Birds I View" is the most important composition Technique in my opinion because you can get a view of places on Earth if you ever look up the images of the land on Earth. You can see what's on Earth in "Birds I view" mode. Like once my dad showed me a birds eye view on an App of the land on Kauai. He showed me the birds I View of my house which is in one of the neighboorhoods in Wailua homesteads.
Out of the 20 composition techniques some were easy but some weren't that easy. But out of them all, the most difficult composition technique is Rule of Thirds Scenery and Subject because it is hard to divide both of them into thirds. It is especially hard to divide them equally into thirds if there is a lot going on in the picture. I can use this more often by looking at three things happening in an image or putting three images into one. By using this Composition Technique I can learn it more and it won't be so hard for me anymore. But in my opinion, Rule of Thirds Scenery is slightly harder for me because you have to show what is happening from far away.
During our Scavenger Hunt, I was in a team called "P3T10" with two others named "Josiah" and "Treysen." All three of us actually filmed, spoke and did the action in the video at different times. However, most scenes were pictures of parts of the Kapa'a Middle School buildings but Treysen was filmed in one of them. And when I found out that we had to say the Composition Techniques 11-20 in our own words, I didn't speak at all but I was mainly the camera boy. And when we were done filming, we imported our footage in Josiah's computer. There were some problems just getting our own footage onto Josiah's computer which upset all three of us but it turned out fine when Mr. Sanderl helped us out.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Cracking the Code
I think that everyone should learn how to code because without coding there would be no devices/computers. Without devices or computers there would be no apps for those who like video games or if someone needs to answer questions that they don't know the internet has the answer! People should learn how to code because then there would be more video games in the future. I've been told that coding is also used to make video games and to make the characters in your video game do what you want them to do. Like for example in this really hard video game Geometry Dash, if you tap or hold on the screen, it will jump, but only on a platform. I was also doing this game called "Hour of Code" where you need to try get the bird to the pig by using the go forward, left and right buttons etc. And I know level 14 of that game is really hard and looks impossible but I eventually I will find out how to crack the code.
My first experience ever that I remember doing was last week in Mr. Sanderl's period 3. In my opinion, Lesson 1 started off really easy but it started to get harder at level 9, I even needed help from my teacher! But it once again got easier and I got further without help until level 14 which was a level where you have to get the zombie over to the sunflower. I needed even more help from my teacher but I was kinda a noob so it was really hard for me compared to others. I couldn't even finish lesson 1 because I was out of time for recess to do my homework and on the GT Focus wall the spot where it said lesson 1 got changed to "Lesson 2"! I felt like that was so unfair because I only had three levels left to do before I finished the whole lesson!
If I could design any program or game it would be called "Neighboor hood dash." The point of the game is so at first there is a bully who goes to the same school as your character and this person lives really close by one day. So you need to try run from the bully, along with his or her gang because sometimes in this game there are boy and girl bullies who you need to run from. In this game, you only have one route back to your house so it is kinda hard. When you beat levels you unlock better and faster characters. You are in different locations for each level so don't expect yourself to be in the same location for each level.
My first experience ever that I remember doing was last week in Mr. Sanderl's period 3. In my opinion, Lesson 1 started off really easy but it started to get harder at level 9, I even needed help from my teacher! But it once again got easier and I got further without help until level 14 which was a level where you have to get the zombie over to the sunflower. I needed even more help from my teacher but I was kinda a noob so it was really hard for me compared to others. I couldn't even finish lesson 1 because I was out of time for recess to do my homework and on the GT Focus wall the spot where it said lesson 1 got changed to "Lesson 2"! I felt like that was so unfair because I only had three levels left to do before I finished the whole lesson!
If I could design any program or game it would be called "Neighboor hood dash." The point of the game is so at first there is a bully who goes to the same school as your character and this person lives really close by one day. So you need to try run from the bully, along with his or her gang because sometimes in this game there are boy and girl bullies who you need to run from. In this game, you only have one route back to your house so it is kinda hard. When you beat levels you unlock better and faster characters. You are in different locations for each level so don't expect yourself to be in the same location for each level.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
My Humorous Monologue
MorimotoM_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
What I have learned in Mr. Sanderl's GT class so far in this project is how to use the camera to film my Monologue. I have also learned that it is important to practice your Monologue a lot before filming or at least until I can actually memorize my monologue without the paper with my monologue. Also, using iMovie is required when you need to film scenes of you telling your monologue and filming your scenes. What is really required for this project is a camera, what is used to film your monologue and of course your B-Roll. And you need to slide over a little lid in your given camera and you will see a sim card, press on it to come out and plug it into your computer and you will see your footage.
Padding is when you wait three seconds before recording your video that you want or need to make and also waiting three seconds after you record your video before stopping. Padding is very important/crucial because if you just start your video before waiting three seconds that part of your video will get cut off of your recording. One day, I was watching my footage of myself telling my joke in my GT class but I noticed that the first part of my video was cut off. I got confused and wondered why it got cut off. So I asked Mr. Sanderl why the first part of my footage got cut off. He told me that if you just start recording your video without waiting three seconds and waiting three seconds before you end your video after you are done with it. He told me that this is called Pad and he said that is very important to use this when recording your video.
What I could improve on is being more expressive while telling my joke. I remember watching myself telling my joke and I wasn't being very expressive so I had to take some re-takes which wasn't good. But over all on my final re-take I was doing pretty good. I realized that it is a good idea to be more expressive. So I was being pretty expressive on my first clip, and my last clip. I was also being expressive when I was saying the part of my joke of the trolls being hidden in the cabinets. But some of my junky scenes were "When period 3 started, we all came into the room." and same with a lot of other parts when I was first recording. But honestly, when I realized that I was not being expressive, this really made me try to be expressive on my final take while recording my Comedic Monologue.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Comedy Writing
A sense of humor is an important character trait because it makes you a calm and happy person! Having a good sense of humor really gets you a lot of friends! When you tell a joke with a lot of expression it gets people to think that you are a funny and cool person. If you are a funny person people may want to invite you to their house and their parties! So be humorous if you want to have a lot of friends, it also makes you have a good life!
Five tips for writing a humorous narrative would be to make it not too long or too short. Be sure your joke makes sense so when you tell your joke people will laugh. Also make sure you use words that everyone knows. Otherwise people just won't get your joke. And before you write, think for a while about a very clever joke that you haven't heard of before. Also, make sure you don't offend anyone! However thinking will take a while so don't waste your time!
My comedic monologue is about a time in GT when me and my classmates are working on a project. Then a GT student walked into the room, and looked around and saw some trolls. He looked very confused and asked "Why are these trolls so skinny?" And then we said "Because we don't feed the trolls!" This joke is funny because when a creature isn't fed for a long time it gets really skinny. Also,
"We don't feed the trolls" means we don't be mean to people, even when they are mean to us! Especially people on the internet.
Five tips for writing a humorous narrative would be to make it not too long or too short. Be sure your joke makes sense so when you tell your joke people will laugh. Also make sure you use words that everyone knows. Otherwise people just won't get your joke. And before you write, think for a while about a very clever joke that you haven't heard of before. Also, make sure you don't offend anyone! However thinking will take a while so don't waste your time!
My comedic monologue is about a time in GT when me and my classmates are working on a project. Then a GT student walked into the room, and looked around and saw some trolls. He looked very confused and asked "Why are these trolls so skinny?" And then we said "Because we don't feed the trolls!" This joke is funny because when a creature isn't fed for a long time it gets really skinny. Also,
"We don't feed the trolls" means we don't be mean to people, even when they are mean to us! Especially people on the internet.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Motivational Poster
In Mr Sanderl's GT class we are working on a motivational poster that will need 2 text layers: one with my manifesto and the other with my personal quotes. What is a manifesto you might ask? A manifesto is a public statement showing your creativity and your thoughts. I also need 4 image layers, 3 images that represent me and 1 picture of my face! I needed both of my text layers filling the whole page! It is also required to use 1 dominant color on the color wheel, with 2 accent colors.
I will be talking about all of the steps to creating my motivational poster. So what I had to do was to go to the button that says PS for "Photo Shop." Next I had to go to my google+ and click on a photo and each time I did that I had to click on more then "Download Photo." Then I had to go to Photo Shop and then get my photos into a page and then I had to go to Finder and find my portrait by going to "Finder" and then go to profile pics then click the top selection then I had to add that to my photo shop. Then put all of those layers of pictures into one page! Then click on the upper button to make your images smaller but at least try not to make any spaces unfilled seen. Then I had to go up somewhere to find the colors and then move 3 color layers for my 4 images. Then I had to go back to my Drive, find my quotes and then copy them into my photo shop right in front of my images. Then I saved my work and then I was done.
For me one of the biggest challenges was getting my images into my page in Photo Shop. Some other really hard steps were getting the colors for my photos. I had some trouble getting the photos and my personal quotes all into my Photo shop page. I could have improved my project by working on it all during GT and using all colors and having a bigger set of personal quotes. I have to admit, I was at the end of my nerves because my computer was kind of glitching. I also felt rushed.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Personal Manifesto
Hi everyone, I am Max from Wailua Homesteads, Kauai, I am 12 years old and 5 interesting facts I want you guys to know about me are,
I went to Tennessee and North Carolina when I was 8 years old.
Last year, when I did the 1 mile run with my class, it took me 11:59 to finish. The second time I did it, it only took me 8:09 to finish.
A lot of times I go to beaches with intense waves such as just south of Lydgate beach.
I have a name that some dogs are named.
A lot of my friends know about the 9+10=21 joke.
Recently, I went swimming at Lydgate, which is a beach, on the east side of Kauai, in the state of Hawaii. I was with my dad, my friend Tane and his dad. There were such big waves that some of them wiped me out so badly! But it was still fun going to the beach.
Never give up!
You only live once!
Winners never quit, quitters NEVER win.
"This above all: to thine own self be true."
Always trust the trustworthy!
Stay awesome!
Do what you like! Don’t let others make fun of what you do! You could do a fist bump where someone fist bumps you and you could say “balalalala” like baymax from Big Hero 6. And like my parents told me you only have 1 life so make it awesome, have a good time in life! Also, are you stuck on a really hard test in school? Well try your hardest, that’s what I did today when I came to some confusing questions when I took a math test. So try your hardest in life and be your own self!

I went to Tennessee and North Carolina when I was 8 years old.
Last year, when I did the 1 mile run with my class, it took me 11:59 to finish. The second time I did it, it only took me 8:09 to finish.
A lot of times I go to beaches with intense waves such as just south of Lydgate beach.
I have a name that some dogs are named.
A lot of my friends know about the 9+10=21 joke.
Recently, I went swimming at Lydgate, which is a beach, on the east side of Kauai, in the state of Hawaii. I was with my dad, my friend Tane and his dad. There were such big waves that some of them wiped me out so badly! But it was still fun going to the beach.
Never give up!
You only live once!
Winners never quit, quitters NEVER win.
"This above all: to thine own self be true."
Always trust the trustworthy!
Stay awesome!
Do what you like! Don’t let others make fun of what you do! You could do a fist bump where someone fist bumps you and you could say “balalalala” like baymax from Big Hero 6. And like my parents told me you only have 1 life so make it awesome, have a good time in life! Also, are you stuck on a really hard test in school? Well try your hardest, that’s what I did today when I came to some confusing questions when I took a math test. So try your hardest in life and be your own self!

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